The kinds of comparisons XMLUnit performs.
Member Name | Description |
ATTR_NAME_LOOKUP | Search for an atribute with a name matching a specific attribute of the other node. |
ATTR_VALUE | Compare attribute's value. |
ATTR_VALUE_EXPLICITLY_SPECIFIED | Compare explicit/implicit status of attributes. |
CHILD_LOOKUP | Search for a child node matching a specific child node of the other node. |
CHILD_NODELIST_LENGTH | Compare number of child nodes. |
CHILD_NODELIST_SEQUENCE | Compare order of child nodes. |
DOCTYPE_NAME | If the documents both have DOCTYPEs, compare the names. |
DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_ID | If the documents both have DOCTYPEs, compare the PUBLIC identifiers. |
DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_ID | If the documents both have DOCTYPEs, compare the SYSTEM identifiers. |
ELEMENT_NUM_ATTRIBUTES | Compare number of attributes. |
ELEMENT_TAG_NAME | Compare element names. |
HAS_DOCTYPE_DECLARATION | Do both documents have a DOCTYPE (or neither of each)? |
NAMESPACE_PREFIX | Compare the node's namespace prefixes. |
NAMESPACE_URI | Compare the node's namespace URIs. |
NO_NAMESPACE_SCHEMA_LOCATION | Check whether both documents provide the same values for xsi:noNamspaceSchemaLocation (may even be null). |
NODE_TYPE | Compare the node types. |
PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_DATA | Compare data of processing instructions. |
PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_TARGET | Compare targets of processing instructions. |
SCHEMA_LOCATION | Check whether both documents provide the same values for xsi:schemaLocation (may even be null). |
TEXT_VALUE | Compare content of text nodes, comments, CDATA sections. |
XML_ENCODING | Do both documents specify the same encoding in their XML declaration? |
XML_STANDALONE | Do both documents specify the same standalone declaration in their XML declaration? |
XML_VERSION | Do both documents specify the same version in their XML declaration? |